Bendahara : a betrayal : dance theatre / [dipersembahkan oleh] Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.

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Information About

DVD player compatible. "Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd. mempersembahkan dance theatre Bendahara - A Betrayal"--front cover. "DVD ini disokong oleh Malay Language Learning and Promotion Committee"--front cover. "Supported by: National Arts Council Singapore, a.r.t.s. fund, Lee Foundation, Tan Chin Tuan Foundation Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple, Hong Leong Foundation"--back cover. [not indicated] Artistic Consultant, Som Said ; Concept/Idea, Adel Ahmad ; Publisher, Huda Rahim ; Producer & Script, Marina Yusoff. Muhammad Hatta Said, Fauzie Laily, Marina Yusoff, Hamzah Adon, Asnida Daud, Azman Shariff, Haikal, Amirul. In Malay.

Bendahara : a betrayal : dance theatre / [dipersembahkan oleh] Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
Som Said, 1951- consultant.
Video Recording
Based on the legend of Hang Nadim and the mythical swordfish attack on Singaporean shores in the Malay tale of Singapura Dilanggar Todak, this musical tells the story of a villager named Aman who becomes a bendahara and the turmoils he was embroiled in.
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