Serum City [videorecording] / a film by Hotplate Productions ; producer, Alethea Chiam ; written and directed by Jocelyn Chua.

Video Recording

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Digital copy made from MiniDV. "2007-D-0529"--Disc surface. With the support of Singapore Film Commission. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography and editor, Kai Cheong ; music director, Xiao Bao. Oliver Pang, Chermaine Ang, Ernest Seah, Judy Ngo, Dany Leong, Joanie Koh, Pamela Cheong, Desmond Chua, Joseph Chua, Lawrence Poh, Lim Yew Wen, Jean Chua, Omkar Udipi, Jaleesudeen Bin Jalal, Tan Kar Wee, Liza Lin, Vivienne Wong, Elgin Low, Kai C, Jennifer Koh, Richard Chua, Jocelyn Chua, Jessica Lin, Carolyn Quek, Lennat Mak, Lim Mun Pong, Teh Joo Lin, Han Lilin, Scott C. Hillyard, Grace Chong, Tan Weiliang, Lin Weiling, Jason Chiam, Jade Tan, Lai Yong Liang.

Serum City [videorecording] / a film by Hotplate Productions ; producer, Alethea Chiam ; written and directed by Jocelyn Chua.
Chiam, Alethea.
Video Recording
In a future where food is outlawed, its smuggling and usage becomes the ultimate racket. With piercing insight, this is a piece of science fiction as social satire that looks at the nature of crime and vice, and the social conditions that bring about these labels. It includes other than a main storyline, several mock documentaries and news reports to create an all too believable future scenario.
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