杀手欧阳盆栽 = The killer who never kills / 联合出品, 影市堂, 鼎立国际集团, 香港电影发展基金 ; 监制, 曾志伟 ; 导演, 李丰博, 尹志文 ; 编剧, 林明谦, 尹志文. Sha shou Ouyang pen zai = The killer who never kills / lian he chu pin, Ying shi tang, Ding li guo ji ji tuan, Xianggang dian ying fa zhan ji jin ; jian zhi, Zeng Zhiwei ; dao yan, Li Fengbo, Yin Zhiwen ; bian ju, Lin Mingqian, Yin Zhiwen.

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Originally released as motion picture. 繁体字本. Based on the novel 《杀手欧阳盆栽》 by 九把刀. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: M18 (Sexual humour and coarse language). 新加坡电影检查局: M18级. Art director, 猴子电男孩影艺有限公司 ; choreographer, 张龚腾, 林万掌, 刘汉舆 ; editor, 李栋全. 萧敬腾, 林辰唏, 周秀娜, 蔡淑臻, 曾志伟, 张国柱. In Mandarin and Chinese dialect, with optional traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, English or Malay subtitles. 华语, 闽南语对白, 中英巫文字幕.

杀手欧阳盆栽 = The killer who never kills / 联合出品, 影市堂, 鼎立国际集团, 香港电影发展基金 ; 监制, 曾志伟 ; 导演, 李丰博, 尹志文 ; 编剧, 林明谦, 尹志文. Sha shou Ouyang pen zai = The killer who never kills / lian he chu pin, Ying shi tang, Ding li guo ji ji tuan, Xianggang dian ying fa zhan ji jin ; jian zhi, Zeng Zhiwei ; dao yan, Li Fengbo, Yin Zhiwen ; bian ju, Lin Mingqian, Yin Zhiwen.
Zeng, Zhiwei, 1953-
Video Recording
Ouyang Bonsai, a young man who recently completed his training in the art of contract killing, joined the elite ranks of professional killers under the tutelage of the legendary grandmaster Tao. All of Tao's disciples share a common trait: They always get close to their targets before executing their mission. Utilizing a combination of illusion, deceit and wit, they corner their targets like a predator to its prey until the only person they trust is the one who will ultimately end their lives. But Ouyang is different. He is the black sheep amongst the killers, He is a killer that never kills. It all started with his first mission. His target: A young innocent waitress named Xiao Li. She accidentally angered the notoriously cruel mob boss Stern Buddha who orders for her "demise". As Ouyang gets closer to Xiao Li, he finds himself falling for her. In order to save Xiao Li, he engineered her demise by arranging for a fake corpse, setting up a bogus accident and forging a new identity for her. Xiao Li is thus "dead" and reborn as Genevieve. From the day forth, Ouyang became a killer of identity, giving his targets a second chance at life, regardless of their past and deeds. But there is a price each target has to pay. They have to let go completely of their past and embrace their new futures. While most targets successfully transition into their new lives, Genevieve has a hard time letting go of her past, and in particular, Ouyang... , 欧阳盆栽是杀手界唯一不杀人的"杀手", 也是传奇人物"骗神"唯一认证的嫡传弟子. 他深信每个生命都该有第二次机会, 号召各领域顶尖好手组成"重生小组", 藉由神乎其技的骗术制造被杀目标"假死", 一次次蒙混过关! 酒店小姐小莉倒霉异常, 三年内两度被残暴的黑道老大冷面佛下达"七日一杀"令. 尽管过程艰辛, 欧阳盆栽还是"重生"了小莉两次. 历经惊险壮烈的重生任务, 欧阳逐渐发觉, 小莉蛮不在乎的轻佻率性背后, 藏着许多深沉的悲伤与无奈. 无视那千年不易的杀手法则, 欧阳爱上了案件目标小莉! 沉溺于甜美幸福的爱情, 欧阳萌生退隐之意. 而最痛恨被欺骗的冷面佛却在此时发现欧阳让小莉重生的诡计, 对两人发出前代未闻之黑道残杀令. 骗术杀人, 翻手活命的欧阳, 这次, 换他身陷处处杀机的空前险境. 再高明的骗术, 能骗过死神吗? 欧阳笃信每个生命都应该有第二次机会, 但师父也严正告诫过他每件事都有它的代价, 欧阳究竟要付出多大代价和命运搏较? 又或者, 一切都是他与重生小组精心策划的世纪大骗局?.
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