Sunat / a Mervyn Lim production ; a short film by Papahan ; written, produced and directed by M. Raihan Halim ; produced by Mervyn Lim, Zarith Sofia Magad ; co-producer, Melvin Lee ; cinematography by Amandi Wong.

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"2008-D-1174"--Disc surface. With support of Singapore Film Commission. "For Ishak (1956-2006)" Digital copy made from MiniDV. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Associate producers, Suraya Yaakub, Amir Hamzah Wong ; "Sunat" written by Charles Lee. Ishak Ahmad, Mastura Ahmad, Syahmi Azrinizam, Syadad Sulaiman, Ibrahim Sawifi (narrator) In Malay and English with English subtitles.

Sunat / a Mervyn Lim production ; a short film by Papahan ; written, produced and directed by M. Raihan Halim ; produced by Mervyn Lim, Zarith Sofia Magad ; co-producer, Melvin Lee ; cinematography by Amandi Wong.
Lim, Mervyn.
Video Recording
This comedy tells of the anxieties a young boy faces as he chooses to undergo circumcision to prove the advent of his manhood.
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