诗人的冥想 : 潘耀田管弦乐作品集 = Meditation of a poet : orchestra works by Phoon Yew Tien. Shi ren de ming xiang : Pan Yaotian guan xian yue zuo pin ji = Meditation of a poet : orchestra works by Phoon Yew Tien.
Sound Recording
Information About
激光唱片. Donated by Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) [A00849668H]. 林曜指挥 ; 俄罗斯爱乐管弦乐团演奏.
诗人的冥想 : 潘耀田管弦乐作品集 = Meditation of a poet : orchestra works by Phoon Yew Tien. Shi ren de ming xiang : Pan Yaotian guan xian yue zuo pin ji = Meditation of a poet : orchestra works by Phoon Yew Tien.