刺陵 = The treasure hunter / 长宏影视股份有限公司 ... [et al.] ; 总监制, 李惠民, 皮建鑫 ; 编剧总监, 岸西 ; 导演, 朱延平. Ci ling = The treasure hunter / Chang hong ying shi gu fen you xian gong si ... [et al.] ; zong jian zhi, Li Huimin, Pi Jianxin ; bian ju zong jian, Anxi ; dao yan, Zhu Yanping.
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原以电影形式发行. 特别收录: 周杰伦专访. 新加坡电影检查局: PG级. 动作导演, 程小东; 摄影指导, 赵小丁; 美术指导, 刘敏雄; 剪辑, 陈博文; 音乐, Ricky Ho. 周杰伦, 林志玲, 陈道明, 曾志伟, 苗圃, 陈楚河. In Mandarin with optional Chinese, English or Malay subtitles. 华语对白, 中、英、马来文字幕.
刺陵 = The treasure hunter / 长宏影视股份有限公司 ... [et al.] ; 总监制, 李惠民, 皮建鑫 ; 编剧总监, 岸西 ; 导演, 朱延平. Ci ling = The treasure hunter / Chang hong ying shi gu fen you xian gong si ... [et al.] ; zong jian zhi, Li Huimin, Pi Jianxin ; bian ju zong jian, Anxi ; dao yan, Zhu Yanping.
In the northwest desert where countless prosperous dynasties have flourish and fallen, there is rumour of a buried treasure of unbelievable riches. A group of mysterious guardians have kept the map to the location of the treasure safe, until a fierce rivalry erupts. A notorious international crime group hunts down a young chivalrous man Ciao Fei and he is forced to give up the map to save the live of his mentor's daughter Lan Ting. Teaming up with Hua Ding Bang and Lan Ting they embark on a dangerous journey to recover the map and fight to protect the ancient treasure. , 西北一片一望无际的沙漠, 埋藏着数量惊人的宝藏. 这儿有一群神秘的守护者, 世世代代都在守护着这片沙漠, 然而宁静的沙漠即将迎来狂沙暴风, 因为一张记载着失落了千年踪影的古城藏宝地图即将引来群雄的争夺... 青年侠客乔飞受到师父屠老大之托, 决定带着藏宝图寻找古城以免不肖之徒的破坏. 此时, 屠老大的独生女蓝婷却遭到另一伙寻找古城的探险者绑架, 威胁乔飞交出地图, 乔飞救出了蓝婷, 但地图却遭人抢走. 乔飞和两名并肩同行的战友: 蓝婷和考古家华定邦, 齐心合力找到古城并且完成保护宝藏的终极任务.