填词L = The lyricist wannabe / 松松影视有限公司摄制 ; 编剧/导演, 黄绮琳. Tian ci L = The lyricist wannabe / Song song ying shi you xian gong si she zhi ; bian ju/dao yan, Huang Qilin.

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Originally released as a motion picture in 2023. Wide screen. 16:9 aspect ratio. Includes: special features. 原著: 《我很想成为文盲填词人》/ 黄绮琳. 第42届香港电影金像奖: 最佳原创电影歌曲, 填词魂 (作曲: 谢雅儿, 填词: 黄绮琳, 主唱: 谢雅儿) IMDA: NC16 (some coarse language) 摄影, 庞浩威 ; 剪辑, 钟家骏 ; 美术指导 : 陈妙玲; 原创音乐 : 王建威. 钟雪莹, 葛民辉, 陈毅燊, 吴冰, 邓丽英. In Chinese (Cantonese) with optional subtitles in traditional Chinese and English.

填词L = The lyricist wannabe / 松松影视有限公司摄制 ; 编剧/导演, 黄绮琳. Tian ci L = The lyricist wannabe / Song song ying shi you xian gong si she zhi ; bian ju/dao yan, Huang Qilin.
Wong, Yee Lam, film director, screenwriter.
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