茶 : 一片树叶的传说与历史 = The tale of tea : a comprehensive history of tea from prehistoric times to the present day / 乔治·范·德瑞姆著 ; [译者, 李萍, 谷文国, 周瑞春, 王巍]. Cha : yi pian shu ye de chuan shuo yu li shi = The tale of tea : a comprehensive history of tea from prehistoric times to the present day / Qiaozhi Fan Deruimu zhu ; [yi zhe, Li Ping, Gu Wenguo, Zhou Ruichun, Wang Wei].
Information About
Translation of: The tale of tea : a comprehensive history of tea from prehistoric times to the present day. Includes bibliographical references and index. 附参考书目及索引.
茶 : 一片树叶的传说与历史 = The tale of tea : a comprehensive history of tea from prehistoric times to the present day / 乔治·范·德瑞姆著 ; [译者, 李萍, 谷文国, 周瑞春, 王巍]. Cha : yi pian shu ye de chuan shuo yu li shi = The tale of tea : a comprehensive history of tea from prehistoric times to the present day / Qiaozhi Fan Deruimu zhu ; [yi zhe, Li Ping, Gu Wenguo, Zhou Ruichun, Wang Wei].