艋舺 / 联合出品, 青春岁月影视股份有限公司, 红豆制作股份有限公司 ; 联合制作, 红豆制作股份有限公司, 影一制作所股份有限公司 ; 编剧, 曾莉婷, 钮承泽 ; 监制, 李烈, 钮承泽 ; 导演, 钮承泽 = Monga / presented by Green Day Film Co. Ltd., Honto Production ; produced by Honto Production, One Production Film Co. ; screenplay by Tseng Li-Ting, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; executive producer, Lee Lieh, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; directed by Doze, Niu Chen-Zer. Mengjia / lian he chu pin, Qing chun sui yue ying shi gu fen you xian gong si, Hong dou zhi zuo gu fen you xian gong si ; lian he zhi zuo, Hong dou zhi zuo gu fen you xian gong si, Ying yi zhi zuo suo gu fen you xian gong si ; bian ju, Zeng Liting, Niu Chengze ; jian zhi, Li Lie, Niu Chengze ; dao yan, Niu Chengze = Monga / presented by Green Day Film Co. Ltd., Honto Production ; produced by Honto Production, One Production Film Co. ; screenplay by Tseng Li-Ting, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; executive producer, Lee Lieh, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; directed by Doze, Niu Chen-Zer.

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Originally released as motion picture in 2010. 繁體字本. Special features = 特别收录: Trailer = 精彩预告 ; director's cuts = 导演私藏片段 (childhood memories = 蚊子与小凝的童年回忆 -- father and son = 和尚与父亲的对谈 -- mother's advice = 志龙母亲的叮咛 -- brotherhood & loyalty = 蚊子与白猴的义气) ; behind the scenes = 幕后直击 (艋舺前导预告 -- 精彩点滴 -- 隘道 : 不完美即重来 -- Geta马大哥的一镜到底 -- 五人兄弟篇 : 太子帮之血溅月 -- 探班集锦 -- 韩国指导篇 : 不老的男孩 -- 武术篇 : 功夫动作篇 -- 赵又廷片场庆生 -- 纯爱篇 : 小姐与流氓 -- 第17日 : 小天小岳对手戏) ; 特别收录 (NG片段 ; Monga at festivals = 海外战绩 (Berlin international film festival = 柏林影展 -- Hong Kong international film festival 香港映演纪实)) ; 导演讲评. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: M18 (Some violence and coarse language). 新加坡电影检查局: M18级(些许暴力画面及粗俗语言). Director of photography, 包轩鸣 ; action director, 梁吉泳 ; production designer, 黄美清, 陈柏任 ; art director, 黄美清, 陈柏任 ; music director, 陈珊妮 ; director of sound, 杜笃之 ; edited by, 钮承泽, 曾莉婷, 林雍益. 阮经天, 赵又廷, 马如龙, 凤小岳, 柯佳嬿, 王识贤, 蔡昌宪, 黄镫辉, 陈汉典. In Mandarin (Dolby Digital 5.1/DTS-HD Master 5.1) with some Taiwanese, with optional traditional Chinese or English subtitles. 华语和方言对白, 中英文字幕.

艋舺 / 联合出品, 青春岁月影视股份有限公司, 红豆制作股份有限公司 ; 联合制作, 红豆制作股份有限公司, 影一制作所股份有限公司 ; 编剧, 曾莉婷, 钮承泽 ; 监制, 李烈, 钮承泽 ; 导演, 钮承泽 = Monga / presented by Green Day Film Co. Ltd., Honto Production ; produced by Honto Production, One Production Film Co. ; screenplay by Tseng Li-Ting, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; executive producer, Lee Lieh, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; directed by Doze, Niu Chen-Zer. Mengjia / lian he chu pin, Qing chun sui yue ying shi gu fen you xian gong si, Hong dou zhi zuo gu fen you xian gong si ; lian he zhi zuo, Hong dou zhi zuo gu fen you xian gong si, Ying yi zhi zuo suo gu fen you xian gong si ; bian ju, Zeng Liting, Niu Chengze ; jian zhi, Li Lie, Niu Chengze ; dao yan, Niu Chengze = Monga / presented by Green Day Film Co. Ltd., Honto Production ; produced by Honto Production, One Production Film Co. ; screenplay by Tseng Li-Ting, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; executive producer, Lee Lieh, Doze, Niu Chen-Zer ; directed by Doze, Niu Chen-Zer.
Zeng, Liting.
Video Recording
Mosquito(Mark Chao), Monk(Ethan Juan), Dragon(Rhydian Vaughan), White Monkey and A-Po, five teenagers joined "Prince Gang", simply because Mosquito's lunch was snatched on his first day transferred to the high school in Monga, and they are all tired of being bullied. As the young men enjoy their newfound status as gangsters in Monga, they have no idea that other gangs have also set their eyes on this prosperous area. Under the guidance of a veteran gangster, the youngsters are taught the heritage created by the founders of the borough of Monga. He has no idea, however, of a storm brewing... , 蚊子(赵又廷)17岁那年搬到艋舺, 因为一只鸡腿踏入了黑道, 认识了和尚(阮经天), 志龙(凤小岳), 阿伯还有白猴四个好兄弟, 五人结拜为太子帮. 太子帮秉持只识义气, 不问意义的精神, 凭借志龙的父亲Geta(马如龙)的黑道地位在学校呼风唤雨. 踏入黑道就意味着要经历腥风血雨, 然而和尚作为众人的守护神总能帮他们化解危机. 艋舺传统的黑道秩序遭受着现代文明的威胁, 外省人灰狼(钮承泽)要求和艋舺的老大们合作遭到拒绝. 此时, 艋舺局势暗潮汹涌, 杀机四伏, 五兄弟在黑道与友情的抉择中, 演绎了一段关于青春的悲伤故事.
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