Whale wars [videorecording] / produced by RIVR Media, LP for Animal Planet ; Discovery Communications.

Video Recording

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Information About

Title from set container and disc labels. Edition statement from container. Contains 7 episodes from season 1. Originally broadcast on Animal Planet during the 2009 season. Production company listed as River Media, LLC on back of container. Not rated. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography/field producer, Robert G. Case ; lead editor, Frank Lagnese ; music, David Vanacore. Narrator, Jason Hildebrandt ; featuring Paul F. Watson, Benjamin Potts, Kim McCoy, Peter Hammarstedt, Shannon Mann.

Whale wars [videorecording] / produced by RIVR Media, LP for Animal Planet ; Discovery Communications.
Hildebrandt, Jason, 1967- Narrator.
Video Recording
Documents the three-month sojourn of the staff and volunteers of the Sea Shepherd and the tactics used to cripple the whaling trade. Viewers are taken on an adventure that spotlights how the group takes action against alleged illegal whaling operations.
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