Title from disc label. "This recording is produced as part of the Arts Alive Project - an initiative by the National Library Board Singapore to collect Singapore's performing arts in theatre, dance and music"--Back of container. "Reproduced with permission for archival/reference purposes only"--Disc label. Presented by Teater Ekamatra, 17-19 December 2010 at Drama Centre Black Box . "Main video approximately (92 min.); Trailer approximately (1 min.)"--Container. "In collaboration with: Teater Eka Matra."--Container. "A modern adaptation of a classic tale". Recorded on 18 December 2010 at Drama Centre Black Box. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: R21 (Mature content and coarse language). Actors, Hatta Said, Guna Morgan, Rodney Olivero, Alin Mosbit, Tan Shou Chen, Yazid Jalil, Anwar Hadi Ramli. In English and Malay with English subtitles.