吓死你 = Scare 2 die / 世纪创作室有限公司出品 ; Magic Heart Film production ; 监制, 林小强, 彭发 ; 故事, 躬木浣星 ; 编剧, 导演, 钱江汉. Xia si ni = Scare 2 die / Shi ji chuang zuo shi you xian gong si chu pin ; Magic Heart Film production ; jian zhi, Lin Xiaoqiang, Peng Fa ; gu shi, Gongmu Huanxing ; bian ju, dao yan, Qian Jianghan.

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Originally released as a motion picture in Hong Kong. 繁体字本. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: M18 (Disturbing content). 新加坡电影检查局: M18级 (内容令人不适). Director of photography, Choochat Nanthitanyatada ; art director, Kayai Kubchainart ; music score by, 周俊伟 ; sound design by, 周俊伟, 钱江汉 ; edited by, 彭正熙. 李灿琛, 江若琳, 阮民安, 周俊伟. In Mandarin with traditional Chinese and English subtitles. 华语对白, 中英文字幕.

吓死你 = Scare 2 die / 世纪创作室有限公司出品 ; Magic Heart Film production ; 监制, 林小强, 彭发 ; 故事, 躬木浣星 ; 编剧, 导演, 钱江汉. Xia si ni = Scare 2 die / Shi ji chuang zuo shi you xian gong si chu pin ; Magic Heart Film production ; jian zhi, Lin Xiaoqiang, Peng Fa ; gu shi, Gongmu Huanxing ; bian ju, dao yan, Qian Jianghan.
Lin, Xiaoqiang.
Video Recording
13 Orphans, Au Cun, a mahjong addict seeks the help of the spirits of "13 Orphans" to win his games. After his wish came true, the losers die one by one. Eventually he is hunted down by the spirits... Does the "13 Orphans" give good luck in exchange for one's life? 13%, Luk Wing wakes up from her dream and realizes that she is in a world of Cannibal! She is besieged by crowds of zombie when she goes down to the street and then she faints with fears... When she regains conscious, she finds something is missing from her body... No. 13, Chan is a teenager with no school, no job and no qualifications. Attracted by the cash prize, he decides to join a TV programme called "Scare 2 Die". The winner is the one who survives in the haunted house for 13 days. However, he has no idea how terrifying it truly will be. , 13么, Au Cun终日沉迷于打麻雀. 他不但不顾家, 还丢了工作. 他的赌友给他一个古钱币. 只要将钱币含在口中, 打麻雀时'13么精灵'便会帮他赢足13日. 可是他每天只可赢一次大牌, 而且不能退出. Au Cun照做, 果然有效. 然而输家一个接一个死去. '13么精灵'是否用人命来换取好运? 13%, 陆颖在梦中醒来, 便发现自己处身于一个食人族世界! 她的男友Sunn正被人屠宰烹煮. 她母亲在肢解她的父亲, 然后将他煮成一道佳肴. 颖跑到街上, 却被一群丧失包围. 她被吓至昏过去. 当她再次神志清醒后, 发现自己的身体已经失去了一些东西 ... 13号, 陈仔是一个双失青年, 没有学历, 一事无成. 他被13万美元奖金吸引, 决定参加一个名为《吓死你》的电视真人SHOW. 谁有命在鬼屋里待上13日就是最终胜利者. 可是当游戏开始后, 他才发现游戏的恐怖超乎想象...
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