Common threads. After school / presented by Mark Chan ; produced by The Right Angle for Singapore Television Twelve.

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Set of 8 episodes. TCS broadcast on 29/10/98 at 9.30 p.m. Director, Eric Lim ; original concept, Viswa Sadasivan ; executive producer, Catherine Lim ; series producer, Adrian Ong ;producer, Adam Abdur Rahman. Presented by Mark Chan.

Common threads. After school / presented by Mark Chan ; produced by The Right Angle for Singapore Television Twelve.
Chan, Mark, 1958-
Video Recording
A light-hearted documentary series which takes a look at the quirky side of Singaporeans. Demonstrates that Singaporeans, despite the differences in our origins, beliefs and class, are a community with shared experiences, aspirations and concerns. This episode looks at the enrichment activities that kids these days attend after school and during the holidays. The most popular courses among parents for their kids are taekwondo, drama classes, computer classes, abacus and even golf.
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