The growth / directed by Sarah Cheok ; produced by Loh Ke Hua, Morrie Tan Shu Zhen, Sarah Cheok Lingfay.

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Information About

"Asian Film Archive, a subsidiary of the National Library Board"--Disc surface. LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation. IMDA: Exemptible. Sound designer, Jevon Chandra.

The growth / directed by Sarah Cheok ; produced by Loh Ke Hua, Morrie Tan Shu Zhen, Sarah Cheok Lingfay.
Cheok, Sarah, film director, film producer.
Video Recording
A boy lives on a kelong with his father and goes through the same daily routine. Not too far from the kelong is an island with a tall office building and he comes to know that they are hiring with a promise of getting rich. Despite his father's disapproval, he goes after his dreams and soon realises some difficult truths.
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