7天爱上你 = Love at seventh sight / 北京圣视锦麟国际影视文化有限公司, 嘉宏瑞祥(北京)文化传播有限公司, 香港昆鹏出版实业有限公司联合出品 ; 监制, 张坚庭, 陈望华, 周文军 ; 编剧, 张坚庭, 吴咏琪 ; 导演, 张坚庭. 7 tian ai shang ni = Love at seventh sight / Beijing sheng shi jin lin guo ji ying shi wen hua you xian gong si, Jia hong rui xiang (Beijing) wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si, Xianggang kun peng chu ban shi ye you xian gong si lian he chu pin ; jian zhi, Zhang Jianting, Chen Wanghua, Zhou Wenjun ; bian ju, Zhang Jianting, Wu Yongqi ; dao yan, Zhang Jianting.

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原以电影形式于2009年发行. 新加坡电影检查局: PG级. 摄影指导, 邝庭和; 美术指导, 杨志文; 剪辑, 刘韵, 李海洋; 音乐, 陈玉彬. 贺军翔, 李小璐. In Mandarin or Cantonese with optional Chinese or English subtitles. 华粤语对白, 中英文字幕.

7天爱上你 = Love at seventh sight / 北京圣视锦麟国际影视文化有限公司, 嘉宏瑞祥(北京)文化传播有限公司, 香港昆鹏出版实业有限公司联合出品 ; 监制, 张坚庭, 陈望华, 周文军 ; 编剧, 张坚庭, 吴咏琪 ; 导演, 张坚庭. 7 tian ai shang ni = Love at seventh sight / Beijing sheng shi jin lin guo ji ying shi wen hua you xian gong si, Jia hong rui xiang (Beijing) wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si, Xianggang kun peng chu ban shi ye you xian gong si lian he chu pin ; jian zhi, Zhang Jianting, Chen Wanghua, Zhou Wenjun ; bian ju, Zhang Jianting, Wu Yongqi ; dao yan, Zhang Jianting.
Zhang, Jianting. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n84015356. http://viaf.org/viaf/261353138.
Video Recording
In an unexpected encounter, an unromantic man while looking for the most romantic sound on earth comes across two of the most romantic things, a beautiful recreational vehicle and its owner. She loves to travel the world and he hopes to find the most soul-soothing sound in nature. Pursuing their dreams, they decide to travel together in her vehicle. As they journey through picturesque sites and scenes, she helps him to regain his sensitivity while he teaches her how to value life. Their doubt for each other starts turning into love. Unfortunately, as he falls deeply for her, he discovers that the girl he loves is dying. She dreams of finding a legendary tree house where she can leave the world overlooking her hometown from afar so therefore he decides to accompany her till her last days. But in order to leave him with the most beautiful memory, the girl leaves him quietly without saying good-bye. Devastated and in the depth of his darkest time, the girl suddenly reappears before him, with a brand new look and attitude. He cannot believe nor can he accept it. What on earth has happened?. , 他是一个收音师, 一个追求世上美好声音的收音师. 他希望创作出世上最浪漫的音乐, 偏偏自己却是一个不懂浪漫的人, 于是上天替他安排了他人生中最浪漫的两件事: 一辆漂亮的居旅车和一个漂亮的女车主. 女孩立志走遍天涯, 男孩希望寻遍天籁之音, 两个充满梦想的人一拍即合, 结伴上路, 居旅车变成了他们的流浪屋. 走遍高山湖水, 树林旱地; 经历美景、困景, 风土民情, 两个人从互相猜疑到痛爱如己, 女孩让他重拾敏感的心, 他让女孩珍惜生命, 两个人的心越来越近. 感情最浓烈的一刻, 他才发现眼前这个笑容满面的女孩, 已经走到人生尽头. 他不肯接受, 更不肯离弃, 决意伴随她走完最后的路...
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