东海战 [videorecording] = Legend of the sea / Cubix International ... [et al.] ; 监制, 何永霖 ; 导演, 卓韦宾. Dong hai zhan [videorecording] = Legend of the sea / Cubix International ... [et al.] ; jian zhi, He Yonglin ; dao yan, Zhuo Weibin.
Video Recording
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"内附预告片及制作特辑" -- 外盒. "VCE20070000094" -- 外盒. "PYD031" -- 碟面及外盒. 音乐总监, 瑞曼•约翰•罗德杰斯. 配音, 林俊杰, 林宇中, 金莎. In Mandarin with Chinese or English subtitles. 华语对白, 中英文字幕.
东海战 [videorecording] = Legend of the sea / Cubix International ... [et al.] ; 监制, 何永霖 ; 导演, 卓韦宾. Dong hai zhan [videorecording] = Legend of the sea / Cubix International ... [et al.] ; jian zhi, He Yonglin ; dao yan, Zhuo Weibin.