Title devised. Disc 1 contains 2 television features of accomplished bharata natyam dancer, Rathi Karthigesu. Disc 2 consists of digitized documents, images, and scanned photos of Rathi Karthigesu. "Rati Karthigesu 1) profile (45 mins), 2) Portraits (35 min.)"--in marker on disc surface. "Rathi Karthigesu (copy)"-- in marker on disc surface. Mrs Rathi Karthigesu, a renowned classical Indian dancer, and wife of Mootatamby Karthigesu, Judge of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Singapore. Profile : Rati Karthigesu: narrator, Karim Namazie. Portraits : Rati Karthigesu: narrator, Anuradha Sivagurunathan.