Based on the television cartoon series created by W. Watts Biggers. Originally released as a motion picture in 2007. Special features: never-before-seen bloopers ; deleted scenes ; 'Underdog raps' music video (performance by Kyle Massey) ; 'Sit. Stay. Act : diary of a dog actor' ; Underdog original cartoon episode 'Safe waif' ; scene selection ; interactive menus. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Director of photography, David Eggby ; production designer, Garreth Stover ; story, Joe Piscatella, Craig A. Williams, Adam Rifkin ; editor, Tom Finan ; music, Randy Edelman ; costume designer, Gary Jones ; visual effects supervisor, Hoyt Yeatman. Jim Belushi, Peter Dinklage, Patrick Warburton, Alex Neuberger, Taylor Momsen, John Slattery, Samantha Bee, Brad Barrett, Amy Adams. Voices: Jason Lee, Amy Adams, Brad Garrett. Dialogue in English, dubbed Spanish, Portuguese or Thai, with optional subtitles in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Malay or Hindi.