Substitute / Ngee Ann Polytechnic presents an ADFP film ; written and directed by A.D. Chan ; produced by Jon Lim.

Video Recording

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Information About

"2007-D-1137"--Disc surface. With the support of Singapore Film Commission. "Advanced Diploma in Film Production, School of Film & Media Studies, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore 2005." Digital copy made from Betacam. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: M18. Director of photography, Looi Wan Ping ; editor, Wong Mun Lai. Terry Chang, Cheryl Miles, Craig Fong.

Substitute / Ngee Ann Polytechnic presents an ADFP film ; written and directed by A.D. Chan ; produced by Jon Lim.
Chan, A. D.
Video Recording
Hong, the new tenant, becomes infatuated with his beautiful landlady. As they slowly get closer, she observes his crush on her but laughs it off with her husband. When her husband leaves for an overseas trip, Hong takes the chance to make a replacement.
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For reference viewing within EPCL only. |No copying of this material is allowed.