世界杂技精粹 [videorecording] = The best of world acrobatics / 广州俏佳人文化传播有限公司制作 ; 出品人, 李燕 ; 监制, 林国刚 ; 编辑, 李路波. Shi jie za ji jing cui [videorecording] = The best of world acrobatics / Guangzhou qiao jia ren wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si zhi zuo ; chu pin ren, Li Yan ; jian zhi, Lin Guogang ; bian ji, Li Lubo.

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Title from menu screen; credits from container. "DT089"--碟面. In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles. 华语发音, 中英文字幕.

世界杂技精粹 [videorecording] = The best of world acrobatics / 广州俏佳人文化传播有限公司制作 ; 出品人, 李燕 ; 监制, 林国刚 ; 编辑, 李路波. Shi jie za ji jing cui [videorecording] = The best of world acrobatics / Guangzhou qiao jia ren wen hua chuan bo you xian gong si zhi zuo ; chu pin ren, Li Yan ; jian zhi, Lin Guogang ; bian ji, Li Lubo.
Li, Lubo.
Video Recording
Wuqiao, as the cradle of Chinese acrobatics and internationally famous for its long history of acrobatics and consummate performances of acrobatics, is acclaimed to be the capital of acrobatics. This program includes the acrobatic performances in the air done by internationally-acclaimed Russian and Korean acrobats, Mongolian jujutsu that commands the leading place in the world, floor acrobatic performances done by internationally-famous Chinese acrobats and the European and American acrobatics marked by performing skills and showmanship geared to stir resonance among audiences. Those gorgeous and thrilling acrobatic performances are credited to be a feast of the best of world acrobatics. , 吴桥作为中国杂技艺术发祥地, 以其悠久的杂技历史和精湛的杂技技艺而享誉海内外, 被国内外公认为"杂技之乡". 本套节目囊括了称雄世界的俄罗斯、朝鲜的高空节目, 在世界上占第一位的蒙古柔术, 扬威国际赛场的中国地面节目以及更注重表演、展示、与观众共鸣的欧美杂技. 既有高难惊险, 又有美仑美奂, 可以说是一次精品荟萃的世界杂技艺术盛会.
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