济州岛 [videorecording] = Jeju Island / 制作, 上海天地行影视传媒有限公司 ; 出品人, 陈梁. Jizhou Dao [videorecording] = Jeju Island / zhi zuo, Shanghai tian di xing ying shi chuan mei you xian gong si ; chu pin ren, Chen Liang.
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Information About
"LSHQ-0042"--碟面及外盒. "采用高清拍摄"--外盒. 外盒另一题名: 梦和幻想的岛屿. 摄影, 奚建治. 中文解说: 王涛; 英文解说: 张辉. In Mandarin or English with optional simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese or English subtitles. 华英语发音, 中英文字幕.
济州岛 [videorecording] = Jeju Island / 制作, 上海天地行影视传媒有限公司 ; 出品人, 陈梁. Jizhou Dao [videorecording] = Jeju Island / zhi zuo, Shanghai tian di xing ying shi chuan mei you xian gong si ; chu pin ren, Chen Liang.
Chen, Liang.
Video Recording
Lied on the southern tip of Korean Peninsula, Jeju Island is country's largest island. It's a typically of volcanic origin. The extinct volcano has the mysterious natural sceneries and beautiful traditional culture, it attracted visitors from home and abroad. The island also contains lots of outstanding Natural World Heritage Site and stunning natural landscapes which was entitled "Oriental Hawaii" and "Honeymoon Island". It's most attractive and charming part of natural beauty you wanna see in South Korea. , 济州岛是韩国最大的岛屿, 位于朝鲜半岛南部, 是一座典型的火山岛, 岛形椭圆, 遍布岩石, 地貌十分奇特. 这座拥有神秘的自然景观以及传统文化之美的岛屿, 因其数以百计的丘陵、滨海、瀑布、悬崖和熔岩隧道吸引著世界各地的游人. 济州岛风光优美, 景色众多, 环岛公路与绿色海岸道路在其中穿针引线, 将这些散布于岛上的美景串联起来, 有"东方夏威夷"、"蜜月岛"之美誉, 是韩国自然风景的精华所在.