风雨同路 = The unmatchable match / 万能贡献 ; 监制, 李修贤 ; 编剧, 黄柏文, 冯瑞熊, 廖志强 ; 导演, 黄柏文. Feng yu tong lu = The unmatchable match / Wan neng gong xian ; jian zhi, Li Xiuxian ; bian ju, Huang Bowen, Feng Ruixiong, Liao Zhiqiang ; dao yan, Huang Bowen.

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Originally released as a motion picture in 1989. "II, 不适合儿童观看"--Container. 新加坡电影检查局: NC16级(些许暴力画面). Director of photographer, 刘伟强 ; art director, 李耀光 ; film editor, 邹长根 ; music, 陈斐烈. 周星驰, 陈惠敏, 周慧敏, 成奎安. In Cantonese or Mandarin with optional traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese or English subtitles. 华粤语对白, 中英文字幕.

风雨同路 = The unmatchable match / 万能贡献 ; 监制, 李修贤 ; 编剧, 黄柏文, 冯瑞熊, 廖志强 ; 导演, 黄柏文. Feng yu tong lu = The unmatchable match / Wan neng gong xian ; jian zhi, Li Xiuxian ; bian ju, Huang Bowen, Feng Ruixiong, Liao Zhiqiang ; dao yan, Huang Bowen.
Li, Xiuxian.
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A cruel bandit gang leader Big Mad asks Fay, who is a stolen goods dealer, to sell his stolen jewelry. When Fay knows Big Mad wants to play double cross on the deal, he takes away the jewelry angrily and secretly. Later Fay is caught by the police. In order to get more information about the case, Long, an undercover cop is assigned to get acquainted to Fay. When Big Mad tries to capture Fay from the paddy wagon, Fay manages to escape together with Long, while they're cuffed together. After rescuing Fay from his betrayed fellow gangsters several times, Long gets Fay's friendship. In order to solve the case, Inspector Ng, Long's superior, decides to use Fay to trap out Big Mad. Long takes the risk to save Fay from the gun fighting. When Fay knows Long's identity, he doesn't accept Long's explanation or suggestion. Meanwhile, Big Mad kidnaps Long's girlfriend Mandy for the exchange of the stolen jewelry. After making joint effort with Long, they rescue Mandy and get Big Mad, Long promises to give himself up to the police. , 冷血黑帮大傻劫得一批钻石, 托黑帮李云飞出货, 交易中大傻黑吃黑, 欲杀飞灭口, 飞带钻石逃遁, 大傻四处寻飞. 案件惊动警方, 警方查得飞与此案有关, 拘捕飞, 飞不肯招供. 李警官遂派卧底张郎接近飞, 欲套取线报. 大傻在飞押运途中劫囚车, 飞乘机逃走, 但因与郎同扣一手镣, 迫得与朗同逃. 逃亡期间, 两人产生了深厚的友谊. 郎上司欲以飞为饵, 诱捕大傻, 郎不忍, 救飞逃走, 并透露自己身份, 劝飞自首. 此时大傻挟持郎女友, 迫两人以钻石交换, 二人携手对付大傻, 救回郎女友. 后郎带飞自首, 了结案件.
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