Violin masters [videorecording] : two gentlemen of Cremona / directed by John Forsen ; produced by John Forsen, David Fulton ; written by Pamela Mason Davey, David Fulton.
Video Recording
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MPAA rating: Not rated. Narrated by Alfred Molina ; interviews with Itzhak Perlman, Pinchas Zukerman, Midori, and Joshua Bell. With optional English subtitles for the deaf and hearing impaired (SDH).
Violin masters [videorecording] : two gentlemen of Cremona / directed by John Forsen ; produced by John Forsen, David Fulton ; written by Pamela Mason Davey, David Fulton.
Forsen, John, 1958- Director. Producer.
Video Recording
During the late 17th and early 18th centuries, two violinmakers from the same small town were making the most sought-after violins ever created. Everyone has heard of Antonio Stradivari, but few know the name Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesu. This documentary tells the story of these two violin masters and why the stringed instruments they sculpted 300 years ago are worth millions of dollars to musicians and collectors today.