乘风破浪 : 信息技术在推动高等教育进步中所扮演的角色 = Riding the wave : the role of i.t. innovation in higher education / 国家图书馆文化教育培训部摄制. Cheng feng po lang : xin xi ji shu zai tui dong gao deng jiao yu jin bu zhong suo ban yan de jiao se = Riding the wave : the role of i.t. innovation in higher education / Guo jia tu shu guan wen hua jiao yu pei xun bu she zhi.
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Title from disc label. CE003081. Speaker, 麦克·凯勒 ; host, 詹福瑞. In Mandarin and English. 华语和英语发音.
乘风破浪 : 信息技术在推动高等教育进步中所扮演的角色 = Riding the wave : the role of i.t. innovation in higher education / 国家图书馆文化教育培训部摄制. Cheng feng po lang : xin xi ji shu zai tui dong gao deng jiao yu jin bu zhong suo ban yan de jiao se = Riding the wave : the role of i.t. innovation in higher education / Guo jia tu shu guan wen hua jiao yu pei xun bu she zhi.