Last thought of you / a film by Chai Xing Zhi, Hannah Winata, Leoana Poh and Mark Tan.

Video Recording

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Information About

Sponsor by Singapore Film Commission. Digital copy made from MiniDV. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG. Lee Mei Ting, Lee Lim Ting, Phyllis Gan, Carol Lee, Reuben Gan, Mark Tan, Wong Yue Jieh, Alvin Tan.

Last thought of you / a film by Chai Xing Zhi, Hannah Winata, Leoana Poh and Mark Tan.
Chai, Xing Zhi.
Video Recording
One of a pair of twin sisters comes face to face with the hereditary disease that haunts her family: bone cancer. It has taken her sister's life, and now, it may take hers too. An exploration of the ties that bind, in death and in life.
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