游鸭 : 被迫迁徙的我们 / 凯特·比顿著 ; 李雅欣译 = Ducks : two years in the oil sands / Kate Beaton. You ya : bei po qian xi de wo men / Kaite Bidun zhu ; Li Yaxin yi = Ducks : two years in the oil sands / Kate Beaton.
Information About
游鸭 : 被迫迁徙的我们 / 凯特·比顿著 ; 李雅欣译 = Ducks : two years in the oil sands / Kate Beaton. You ya : bei po qian xi de wo men / Kaite Bidun zhu ; Li Yaxin yi = Ducks : two years in the oil sands / Kate Beaton.