To be apart = Yi ban bu yi ban / directed by Goh Ying Qi Jamie ; produced by Goh Ying Qi Jamie, Jeraldine Ong Wen Yu, Zhen Jing Jie.

Video Recording

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Information About

"Asian Film Archive, a subsidiary of the National Library Board"--Disc surface. LaSalle College of the Arts, Puttnam School of Film & Animation. IMDA: PG. Music and sound design, Gracia Wong.

To be apart = Yi ban bu yi ban / directed by Goh Ying Qi Jamie ; produced by Goh Ying Qi Jamie, Jeraldine Ong Wen Yu, Zhen Jing Jie.
Goh, Ying Qi Jamie , film director, film producer.
Video Recording
A white-feathered pigeon takes a trip with its friend to a bustling cosmopolitan city where its main occupants are black-feathered pigeons donning red ties. Enamoured by city life but mocked by its occupants, the pigeon decides to fit in by dying its feathers black. It soon realises that blind assimilation comes with consequnces that can be cataclysmic.
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