赤胆情 = No compromise / 万能影业有限公司, 三和电影制作公司联合出品 ; 监制, 向华强 ; 导演, 陈会毅 ; 编剧, 沈西城. Chi dan qing = No compromise / Wan neng ying ye you xian gong si, San he dian ying zhi zuo gong si lian he chu pin ; jian zhi, Xiang Huaqiang ; dao yan, Chen Huiyi ; bian ju, Shen Xicheng.

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Originally produced as a motion picture in 1988. "OAT I"--Container. 新加坡电影检查局: NC16级(些许暴力画面). Cinematographer, 张德伟 ; music, Richard Yuen ; art directors, 钱耀恒, 莫少奇 ; editor, 蔡雄. 李修贤, 林威, 郑裕玲, 王小凤. In Cantonese or Mandarin with optional traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese or English subtitles. 华粤语对白, 中英文字幕.

赤胆情 = No compromise / 万能影业有限公司, 三和电影制作公司联合出品 ; 监制, 向华强 ; 导演, 陈会毅 ; 编剧, 沈西城. Chi dan qing = No compromise / Wan neng ying ye you xian gong si, San he dian ying zhi zuo gong si lian he chu pin ; jian zhi, Xiang Huaqiang ; dao yan, Chen Huiyi ; bian ju, Shen Xicheng.
Xiang, Huaqiang.
Video Recording
Tackling serious crime is Danny Lee's routine job. His wife, Do Do Cheng always worries about his safety, Cheng's tolerance bursts and forces Lee to choose between abandonment of job and divorce. On the other hand Lee racks his brains for pursuing the robbery couple, Lam Wai and Pauline Wong. Their illegal deals are always destroyed by Lee. The couple fights desperately and breaks out of Lee's dragnet. Wong gives birth to a baby during their escape and finally dies of excessive loss of blood. Lam is forced to give his baby to the police for emergency treatment, so he becomes much ruthless and fierce. At last, Lam seizes Lee's son for his baby. Lee grasps an instantaneous chance and shoots Lam to save his son. , 高级督察李德威(李修贤饰)率队突退袭贼巢, 主犯柳大川夫妇(林威及王小凤饰)狡猾逃脱. 李妻Jenny(郑裕玲饰)因担心丈夫工作危险, 屡劝他另觅工作, 两人争持不下, Jenny遂带同儿子离开. 柳大川在机场打劫得手, 劫持一辆的士逃离, 碰巧柳妻作产, 找得医生接生, 但婴儿身体虚弱, 只好留在医院. 两人逃往时柳妻因大量出血不治, 柳决定到医院找回刚出世的婴儿, 巧遇并胁持李妻及其儿子, 威逼以交换其儿子, 千钧一发之际李将柳击毙.
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