All-new X-Men. All-different / Brian Michael Bendis, writer ; Stuart Immonen, penciler (#18) ; Wade Von Grawbadger, inker (#18) ; Brandon Peterson with Mahmud Asrar (#20), artists, (#19-21) ; Marte Gracia, colorist (#18 & #20) ; Israel Silva, colorist (#19-21) ; VC's Cory Petit, letterer. X-Men: Gold #1 / writers, Chris Claremont, Stan Lee & Louise Simonson, Len Wein and Fabian Nicieza ; artist, Bob McLeod, Walter Simonson & Bob Wiacek, Jorge Molina and Salvador Larroca ; colorists, Israel Silva, Andres Mossa and David Ocampo ; letterer, Tom Orzechowski.


Information About

"Bonus digital edition included" --Cover. "Contains material originally published in magazine form as All-New X-Men #18-21 and X-Men Gold #1."

All-new X-Men. All-different / Brian Michael Bendis, writer ; Stuart Immonen, penciler (#18) ; Wade Von Grawbadger, inker (#18) ; Brandon Peterson with Mahmud Asrar (#20), artists, (#19-21) ; Marte Gracia, colorist (#18 & #20) ; Israel Silva, colorist (#19-21) ; VC's Cory Petit, letterer. X-Men: Gold #1 / writers, Chris Claremont, Stan Lee & Louise Simonson, Len Wein and Fabian Nicieza ; artist, Bob McLeod, Walter Simonson & Bob Wiacek, Jorge Molina and Salvador Larroca ; colorists, Israel Silva, Andres Mossa and David Ocampo ; letterer, Tom Orzechowski.
Immonen, Stuart, artist.
"Kitty Pryde's faith in Wolverine's Jean Grey School is eroded. With her students gone, what is Kitty to do? Meanwhile, X-23 is back, joining the All-New X-Men and-- kissing Cyclops?! What does this mean to Jean Grey? When Jean and X-23 are forced to team up against a mysterious force, she'd better figure it out fast! Plus: Ring in the X-Men's 50th anniversary with some of the greatest creators to ever work on Marvel's mutants!" -- page [4] of cover.
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