Mukhsin [videorecording] / Grand Brilliance Sdn. Bhd. presents an MHZ Film production ; producer, Ahmad Puad Onah ; film director, Yasmin Ahmad.

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Originally released as a motion picture. MDA rating: PG. Mohd Syafie Naswip, Sharifah Aryana Syed Zainal Rashid, Irwan Iskandar Abidin, Sharifah Aleya Syed Zainal Rashid, Abidah Noor Mohd Omar. Soundtracks: Malay, Chinese & English; Subtitles: Malay / Chinese / English.

Mukhsin [videorecording] / Grand Brilliance Sdn. Bhd. presents an MHZ Film production ; producer, Ahmad Puad Onah ; film director, Yasmin Ahmad.
Ahmad Puad Onah.
Video Recording
School is out, and precocious tomboy Orked has noticed a new boy in town. Twelve year-old Mukhsin may be an agreeable enough lad, but his mother has recently abandoned his abusive father and his brother seems to be picking up some of dad's worst traits. As the two youngsters forge a warm bond over the course of the holiday, Orked's easygoing family readily welcomes young Mukhsin into their happy and unapologetically free-spirited household. Though Orked's non-conformist parents may have inadvertently painted themselves as targets of scorn for their busybody neighbours, they are nevertheless always there for their little girl, even as the tenderness of childhood friendship gives way to the curious pangs of puppy love.
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