认知升级 = Intelligence and how to get it / 理查德·尼斯贝特著 ; 仲田甜译. Ren zhi sheng ji = Intelligence and how to get it / Lichade Nisibeite zhu ; Zhong Tiantian yi.
Information About
- Title
认知升级 = Intelligence and how to get it / 理查德·尼斯贝特著 ; 仲田甜译. Ren zhi sheng ji = Intelligence and how to get it / Lichade Nisibeite zhu ; Zhong Tiantian yi.
- Artist
Zhong, Tiantian, translator.
- Subjects
- Language
- Type
- Abstract
- Year
- 2017
- Original Publisher(s)
- Digital Publisher(s)