The tiger of 142B / directed by Harry Zhuang, Henry Zhuang ; produced by David Lee, Eternality Tan ; produced by The Filmic Eye.

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"Asian Film Archive, a subsidiary of the National Library Board"--Disc surface. An adaptation from Dave Chua's The tiger of 142B. IMDA: PG13 (Some disturbing scenes). Sound designer, Roger Low; animators, Henry Zhuang, Harry Zhuang, Angel Chong, Gabriel Tng, Cassandra Siew, Enge Xue; music composer, Pamela Ng. Voices: Audrey Lim, Michael Kwah, Ranga Perera. In English with English subtitles.

The tiger of 142B / directed by Harry Zhuang, Henry Zhuang ; produced by David Lee, Eternality Tan ; produced by The Filmic Eye.
Zhuang, Harry, film director, animator.
Video Recording
An unemployed man's struggle to hold a job causes problems between him and his girlfriend. As he grapples with these issues, the residents of his block 142B are frightened by a string of mysterious killings. Many grow convinced that a tiger is to blame. This animation is adapted from Dave Chua's short story of the same title.
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