冲上云霄 / 出品, 寰亚电影制作有限公司[and six others] ; 监制, 梁家树 ; 编剧, 邹凯光, 冼子文, 许岚枫 ; 导演, 叶伟信, 邹凯光 = Triumph in the skies / presented by Media Asia Film Production Limited [and six others] ; producer, Tommy Leung ; screenplay by Matt Chow, Jun Sin, Xu Lengfeng ; directed by Wilson Yip, Matt Chow. Chong shang yun xiao / chu pin, Huan ya dian ying zhi zuo you xian gong si [and six others] ; jian zhi, Liang Jiashu ; bian ju, Zou Kaiguang, Xian Ziwen, Xu Lanfeng ; dao yan, Ye Weixin, Zou Kaiguang = Triumph in the skies / presented by Media Asia Film Production Limited [and six others] ; producer, Tommy Leung ; screenplay by Matt Chow, Jun Sin, Xu Lengfeng ; directed by Wilson Yip, Matt Chow.

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"PK140415LS01858"--Container. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG 13. 新加坡电影检查局: PG13级. UZ6492. Cinematographer, 关智耀 ; editor, 钟炜剑 ; original music, 黄艾伦, 翁玮盈. 古天乐, 郑秀文, 吴镇宇, 张智霖, 佘诗曼, 郭采洁. In Mandarin or Cantonese with optional subtitles in traditional Chinese and English. 华粤语发音, 繁体中文或英文字幕.

冲上云霄 / 出品, 寰亚电影制作有限公司[and six others] ; 监制, 梁家树 ; 编剧, 邹凯光, 冼子文, 许岚枫 ; 导演, 叶伟信, 邹凯光 = Triumph in the skies / presented by Media Asia Film Production Limited [and six others] ; producer, Tommy Leung ; screenplay by Matt Chow, Jun Sin, Xu Lengfeng ; directed by Wilson Yip, Matt Chow. Chong shang yun xiao / chu pin, Huan ya dian ying zhi zuo you xian gong si [and six others] ; jian zhi, Liang Jiashu ; bian ju, Zou Kaiguang, Xian Ziwen, Xu Lanfeng ; dao yan, Ye Weixin, Zou Kaiguang = Triumph in the skies / presented by Media Asia Film Production Limited [and six others] ; producer, Tommy Leung ; screenplay by Matt Chow, Jun Sin, Xu Lengfeng ; directed by Wilson Yip, Matt Chow.
Ye, Weixin, film director. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2008078414. http://viaf.org/viaf/63819462.
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年青机师Branson, 另一身份是富商儿子, 从爸爸手上接管生意后, 全力打理Skylette天颂航空. 他对公司的空中服务员Cassie照顾有加, 原来二人是前度关系, 数年前Branson因要往纽约接管家族生意, 只好无奈跟她暂别, 但其实大家心中都一直有对方, 只是没有宣之于口. 为帮公司建立新形象, Branson邀请Rock Star TM拍摄宣传片, 并由Sam担任拍摄时的飞行顾问, 碰巧二人早前为航班误点有过磨擦, 令见面时非常尴尬, 但过程中竟又互相发现对方的优点, 暗生情愫. 顾夏阳Jayden为接受待遇更佳的私人机师一职, 离开天颂. 一次航程, 遇上年轻活泼的女子Kika, 起初只觉得她是贪图金钱、任性妄为的女子, 但性格吻合又令两人火速恋上, 正当爱得缠绵之际, Jayden得悉原来奉行及时行乐的Kika的背后另有原因..., 三段感情, 发展都不似预期, 但原来只要明白到世事再没完美, 能够在岁月如歌中找到快乐便已足够.
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