忠烈杨家将 / 天马电影 ; 导演, 监制, 于仁泰 ; 监制, 黄百鸣 ; 剧本, 黄子桓, 刘诗嘉, 于仁泰 ; 于仁泰导演电影 = Saving General Yang / Pegasus Motion Pictures ; directed & produced by Ronny Yu ; produced by Raymond Wong ; screenplay by Edmond Wong, Scarlett Liu, Ronny Yu ; A Ronny Yu film. Zhong lie Yang jia jiang / Tian ma dian ying ; dao yan, jian zhi, Yu Rentai ; jian zhi, Huang Baiming ; ju ben, Huang Zihuan, Liu Shijia, Yu Rentai ; Yu Rentai dao yan dian ying = Saving General Yang / Pegasus Motion Pictures ; directed & produced by Ronny Yu ; produced by Raymond Wong ; screenplay by Edmond Wong, Scarlett Liu, Ronny Yu ; A Ronny Yu film.

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Originally released as a motion picture in 2013. Bonus features: behind the scenes; cast interview; trailers. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: NC16 (voilence) 新加坡电影检查局: NC16级(暴力画面) UZ1696. Director of photography, 陈志英 ; edited by 安德鲁·汤臣 ; music composed and conducted by 川井宪次. 徐帆, 郑少秋, 郑伊健, 于波, 周渝民. In Mandarin with optional subtitles in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese or English subtitles. 华语发音, 繁简体中文, 英文字母.

忠烈杨家将 / 天马电影 ; 导演, 监制, 于仁泰 ; 监制, 黄百鸣 ; 剧本, 黄子桓, 刘诗嘉, 于仁泰 ; 于仁泰导演电影 = Saving General Yang / Pegasus Motion Pictures ; directed & produced by Ronny Yu ; produced by Raymond Wong ; screenplay by Edmond Wong, Scarlett Liu, Ronny Yu ; A Ronny Yu film. Zhong lie Yang jia jiang / Tian ma dian ying ; dao yan, jian zhi, Yu Rentai ; jian zhi, Huang Baiming ; ju ben, Huang Zihuan, Liu Shijia, Yu Rentai ; Yu Rentai dao yan dian ying = Saving General Yang / Pegasus Motion Pictures ; directed & produced by Ronny Yu ; produced by Raymond Wong ; screenplay by Edmond Wong, Scarlett Liu, Ronny Yu ; A Ronny Yu film.
Yu, Ronny. film producer, film director, screenwriter. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2003071831. http://viaf.org/viaf/49423603.
Video Recording
北宋年间, 杨家名将可谓一口金刀八杆枪, 辽兵闻风丧胆, 对宋朝居功至伟. 怎奈奸臣当道, 潘仁美大奸大佞. 辽国皇帝约请太宗, 赴金沙滩"双龙会", 暗藏杀机, 兵困行宫. 声声怒吼, 阵阵击鸣, 战车交错, 刀光血影. 大郎, 二郎, 三郎战死, 四郎, 五郎失踪, 七郎被擒. 杨继业和儿子六郎, 七郎被困两狼山. 潘仁美公报私仇, 不发援兵, 并乱箭射死突围求援的七郎. 老令公寡不敌众, 头撞李陵碑殉国. 金沙滩交恶之战, 杨家将奋勇血战, 折戟沉沙. 唯剩六郎突围, 险遭潘仁美毒手, 回京师汴梁告御状.
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