Tom Hanks presents Return with honor [videorecording] / a film by Freida Lee Mock and Terry Sanders ; a Sanders & Mock/American Film Foundation Production ; producers and directors, Freida Lee Mock and Terry Sanders ; writers, Freida Lee Mock, Terry Sanders, Christine Z. Wizer.

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Videodisc release of the documentary film broadcast on television in 1999 in the series "The American experience," by the Public Broadcasting Service. Features: interview with Academy Award winning producers, Freida Lee Mock and Terry Sanders on the making of Return with honor; biographies of 26 P.O.W.s profiled in Return with honor; link to th Return with honor Web site. Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired. Not rated. Editor, George Byers ; music, Charles Bernstein.

Tom Hanks presents Return with honor [videorecording] / a film by Freida Lee Mock and Terry Sanders ; a Sanders & Mock/American Film Foundation Production ; producers and directors, Freida Lee Mock and Terry Sanders ; writers, Freida Lee Mock, Terry Sanders, Christine Z. Wizer.
Mock, Freida Lee.
Video Recording
A documentary film that interviews American pilots who became prisoners of war in Vietnam and shows footage of the prison camps and captured prisoners.
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