美丽的亚洲 : 广州百名画家画亚洲作品集 / 广州市国家档案馆, 第16届亚运会组委会办公室·宣传部编 = Beautiful Asia : hundreds of celebrated painters in Guangzhou draw pictures of Asia / [edited by] Guangzhou National Archives, office and Propaganda Department of the 16th Asian Games Organising Committee. Mei li de Ya Zhou : Guangzhou bai ming hua jia hua Ya Zhou zuo pin ji / Guangzhou Shi guo jia dang an guan, Di 16 jie Ya yun hui zu wei hui ban gong shi, xuan chuan bu bian = Beautiful Asia : hundreds of celebrated painters in Guangzhou draw pictures of Asia / [edited by] Guangzhou National Archives, office and Propaganda Department of the 16th Asian Games Organising Committee.
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Partial text in English. 部分英文篇幅. .
美丽的亚洲 : 广州百名画家画亚洲作品集 / 广州市国家档案馆, 第16届亚运会组委会办公室·宣传部编 = Beautiful Asia : hundreds of celebrated painters in Guangzhou draw pictures of Asia / [edited by] Guangzhou National Archives, office and Propaganda Department of the 16th Asian Games Organising Committee. Mei li de Ya Zhou : Guangzhou bai ming hua jia hua Ya Zhou zuo pin ji / Guangzhou Shi guo jia dang an guan, Di 16 jie Ya yun hui zu wei hui ban gong shi, xuan chuan bu bian = Beautiful Asia : hundreds of celebrated painters in Guangzhou draw pictures of Asia / [edited by] Guangzhou National Archives, office and Propaganda Department of the 16th Asian Games Organising Committee.