龙门飞甲 = Flying swords of dragon gate / 博纳影业集团有限公司 ... [et al.]出品 ; 电影工作室有限公司制作 ; 监制, 导演, 徐克 ; 原创故事, 编剧, 徐克 ; 联合编剧, 何冀平, 朱雅欐. Long men fei jia = Flying swords of dragon gate / Bona ying ye ji tuan you xian gong si ... [et al.] chu pin ; Dian ying gong zuo shi you xian gong si zhi zuo ; jian zhi, dao yan, Xu Ke ; yuan chuang gu shi, bian ju, Xu Ke ; lian he bian ju, He Jiping, Zhu Yali.

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Originally released as a motion picture in 2011. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: PG13 (Some violence). 新加坡电影检查局: PG13级 (些许暴力画面). Action choreographer, 元彬, 蓝海瀚, 孙建魁 ; art director, 刘敏雄 ; director of photography, 蔡崇辉 ; editor, 邱志伟 ; original music, 胡体力, 黎翰江, 顾鑫. 李连杰, 周迅, 陈坤, 桂纶镁, 李宇春, 范晓萱, 樊少皇. In Mandarin with optional simplified Chinese or English subtitles. 华语对白, 中英文字幕.

龙门飞甲 = Flying swords of dragon gate / 博纳影业集团有限公司 ... [et al.]出品 ; 电影工作室有限公司制作 ; 监制, 导演, 徐克 ; 原创故事, 编剧, 徐克 ; 联合编剧, 何冀平, 朱雅欐. Long men fei jia = Flying swords of dragon gate / Bona ying ye ji tuan you xian gong si ... [et al.] chu pin ; Dian ying gong zuo shi you xian gong si zhi zuo ; jian zhi, dao yan, Xu Ke ; yuan chuang gu shi, bian ju, Xu Ke ; lian he bian ju, He Jiping, Zhu Yali.
Tsui, Hark, 1951- http://viaf.org/viaf/72303647.
Video Recording
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate picks up three years after the infamous Dragon Inn was burnt down in the desert when its innkeeper vanished. A new gang of marauders had taken over: innkeepers by day, and treasure hunters by night. The inn is the rumored location of a lost city buried under the desert, and its hidden treasure would only be revealed by a gigantic sandstorm every sixty years. The gang used the inn as a front to locate the lost treasure. But the situation becomes more complicated when a pregnant concubine Su Huirong (Mavis Fan) who escaped from the palace is rescued by a swordswoman Wen (Zhou Xun), and the two fled to the Dragon Inn in hiding. Hot on their trail were the Imperial Assassins led by the powerful eunuch Yu Huatian (Chen Kun), followed by the righteous general Zhao Huaian (Jet Li). As the gigantic sandstorm loomed in the horizon, the inn fills up with people taking refuge. The cat-and-mouse game inside Dragon Inn grew fiercer. Everyone was trapped, and there's nowhere to go. Fortune, love and vengeance, could very well be gone with the wind... , 明朝成化年间, 朝纲腐败, 奸邪当道. 西厂东厂为宦官把持, 混淆黑白, 陷害忠良, 朝野内外噤若寒蝉. 时有赵怀安(李连杰饰)等流亡剑客挺身而出, 接连铲除东厂数名奸佞, 致令阉贼胆战心惊. 适值此时, 风头正劲的西厂督主雨化田(陈坤饰)出面干预. 另一方面, 宮女素慧容(范晓萱)怀有身孕, 绝命奔逃. 被雨化田的爪牙追捕途中幸得神秘侠客凌雁秋(周迅饰)相救. 二人一路辗转逃往关外, 来到曾经引起过腥风血雨的龙门客栈落脚. 龙门客栈一如往昔, 为凶险异常之所在. 雨化田手下追赶至此, 与先前而至的鞑靼商队剑拔弩张, 关键时刻更有与雨化田长相极其相似的卜仓舟(陈坤饰)与女侠客顾少棠(李宇春饰)投宿客栈. 不久, 赵怀安一众也偷偷潜至龙门. 各方势力云集于此, 新的正邪之战即将展开, 更有天大的秘密即将揭开...
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