The blue mansion / Tiger Tiger Pictures presents a Glen Goei Film ; written by Ken Kwek ; directed and produced by Glen Goei ; producers, Glen Goei, Tommy Tan.

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Video: 25 fps. Issued as special ed. DVD set: Two films by Glen Goei. Special features: Trailer (ca. 2 min.), Making of (10 min.). Filmed entirely at the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, Georgetown, Penang. Board of Film Censors, Singapore: M18. Original score by David Hirschfelder ; director of photography, Larry Smith ; editor, Kate James. Patrick Teoh, Louisa Chong, Lim Kay Siu, Adrain Pang, Neo Swee Lin, Claire Wong, Tan Kheng Hua, Denise Chan, Ben Tan, Huzir Sulaiman, Steve Yap, Emma Yong. Subtitles in Chinese.

The blue mansion / Tiger Tiger Pictures presents a Glen Goei Film ; written by Ken Kwek ; directed and produced by Glen Goei ; producers, Glen Goei, Tommy Tan.
Goei, Glen.
Video Recording
The Blue Mansion is a quirky murder mystery about a wealthy Asian tycoon who dies suddenly under mysterious circumstances and returns as a ghost to try to uncover the secret of his death. Two eager detectives investigate the death, chasing all leads and suspects, including the dead man's three children. The ghost witnesses his own funeral wake, attended by jealous relatives and business competitors as well as the police investigation that unveils hidden family secrets.
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