14 September - 10 October 1983, Balai Seni Lukis Negara. Artists: Abdul Latiff Mohidin, Ahmad Khalid Yusoff, Cheong Laitong, Chuah Thean Teng, Chung Chen Sun, C. Don Eric Peris, Ismail Hashim, Ismail Mustam, Ismail Zain, Lee Kian Seng, Mohd. Hoessein Enas, Nirmala Shanmughalingam, Redza Piyadasa, Sharifah Fatimah Zubir, Sulaiman Esa, Syed Ahmad Jamal, Joseph Tan, Yeoh Jin Leng. This publication was donated by Dr. Ronald and Susheila McCoy to the National Gallery Singapore Resource Centre.