Worshiping the Three Sage Kings and Five Virtuous Emperors : the imperial temple of emperors of successive dynasties in Beijing / the Association for Promoting the Protection and Use of the Imperial Temples of Emperors of Successive Dynasties in Beijing, along with the Administrative Office of the Imperial Temples of Emperors of Successive Dynasties in Beijing.
Information About
"Ji san huang wu di : Beijing li dai di wang miao"--Colophon. Accompanying CD title: Approaching the temple to ancient monarchs.
Worshiping the Three Sage Kings and Five Virtuous Emperors : the imperial temple of emperors of successive dynasties in Beijing / the Association for Promoting the Protection and Use of the Imperial Temples of Emperors of Successive Dynasties in Beijing, along with the Administrative Office of the Imperial Temples of Emperors of Successive Dynasties in Beijing.
Beijing li dai di wang miao bao hu li yong cu jin hui.