这张照片描会几个人在谈话中. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts some people involved in a conversation.
这是陶融儒乐社的照片. 照片上有三名男子, 两名男子正握着一个奖项. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. The photograph depicts three men, with two of them holding on to an award. ...
这是陶融儒乐社的照片, 描绘一个舞台. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts a stage....
这是陶融儒乐社的照片, 描绘一个舞台. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts a stage....
这是陶融儒乐社的照片, 描绘一个舞台. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts a stage....
这是陶融儒乐社的照片, 描绘为柔佛潮州八邑会馆筹募奖学金义演的工作人员. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts the people involved in the fund raising event for the Teochew Eight Districts Association in Johor....
这是陶融儒乐社的照片, 是八个人的合照. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts a group photograph of eight people....
这是陶融儒乐社的底片, 描绘一个成年人与一个小孩. This is a photographic negative from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts an adult with a child....
这是陶融儒乐社的照片, 描绘一个男子在台上演讲. This is a photograph from the Thau Yong Collection. It depicts a man in the midst of a speech. ...