春天里 : 潘耀田合唱作品集 = Spring : choral works by Phoon Yew Tien


Information About

Digitised from the original CD. Song lyrics available. Recording engineers, Jackson Chen, Li Teo. Mastering, Steven Goh of Hollywood Recording Studio. Recorded in June and October 2003 in Victoria Concert Hall and Hollywood Recording Studio. Singapore Youth Choir (SYC) - Conductor, Jennifer Tham. Pianist, Shane Thio. Victoria Chorale (VC) - Conductor, Nelson Kwei. Pianist, Yeong Yoon Ching. Angro-Chinese [i.e. Anglo-Chinese] Junior College Choir (ACJCC) - Conductor, Pianist, Valerie Wilson.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
UTN Productions
Digital Publisher(s)
Songs, Chinese, Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices), Choral music--Singapore
1. 春天里 = Spring -- 2. 春之晨 = Spring morn -- 3. 春天来了 = Spring has arrived -- 4. 贺新年 = New Year greetings -- 5. 迎春花 = Spring flowers -- 6. 大地回春 = Spring returns -- 7. 恭喜发财 = Wishing you prosperity -- 8. 恭喜恭喜 = Congratulations -- 9
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