水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan


By Tan, Katryna Huey Wern

Information About

Digitised from the original CD. Recorded and mixed by Boniface de Souza. In this album, Ms. Tan records 3 original pieces which includes her compositions and collaborations with Singapore composer Phoon Yew Tien and Malaysia chinese painter Dr. Cheah Tian Soong. This album is a collection of instrumental works.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
Digital Publisher(s)
National Library Board Singapore
Tan, Katryna Huey Wern
Instrumental music--Singapore, Harp music--Singapore
Reminiscences of a general -- Water dance -- Love song -- La source -- Courante, pavane, bransies -- Claire de lune -- Children's hour suite -- Liebestraum no. 3.
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

Love song (2005)

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

Water dance (2005)

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

Reminiscences of a general (2006)

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

Clair de lune

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

La source

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

Children's hour suite

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

Courante, pavane, bransles

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan

Liebestraum no.3

水 = Water dance : harp solos by Katryna Tan