- Year Released
- 2002
- Original Publisher(s)
新加坡人乘佛教文化出版社,Jen Chen Buddhist Book Publisher
- Digital Publisher(s)
National Library Board Singapore
- Composer
Zheng, Pingchang
Ren Cheng di zi
- Keywords
Buddhist music--Singapore, Songs, Chinese--Singapore
- Contents
1. 皈依药师琉璃光如来 = to take refuge in the Buddha of Medicine -- 2. 忏悔偈 = chant of repentance -- 3. 皈依阿弥陀佛 = to take refuge in Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite qualities -- 4. 皈依大愿地藏王菩萨 = to take refuge in Ksitigarbha, Guardian of The Earth -- 5. 皈依大势至菩萨 = to take refuge in the Mahasthama-prapta Bodhisattva -- 6. 皈依观世音菩萨 = to take refuge in the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva -- 7. 皈依大行普贤菩萨 = to take refuge in the Samanta-bhadrayuh Bodhisattva -- 8. 皈依当来下生弥勒尊佛 = to take refuge in the Maitreya Buddha.
- Rights Statement
- All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners