Information About

这是一个中文歌曲专辑, 由中央歌剧芭蕾舞剧院交响乐团/合唱团演奏演唱. 专辑共有九首由新加坡作曲家创作的乐曲与歌曲. "新加坡作曲家作品专场音乐会(现场录音) ; 北京音乐厅 (8-9-1997)"--P. 1. Includes lyrics.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
新加坡作曲家协会,Composers Association (Singapore)
Digital Publisher(s)
National Library Board Singapore
中央歌剧芭蕾舞剧院交响乐团 Zhong yang ge ju ba lei wu ju yuan jiao xiang yue tuan 中央歌剧芭蕾舞剧院合唱团 Zhong yang ge ju ba lei wu ju yuan he chang tuan
Orchestral music--Singapore, Songs, Chinese--Singapore, Choral music--Singapore, Live sound recordings
1. 新加坡河 -- 2. 金胡姬 -- 3. 阿李与阿利 -- 4. 月下独酌 -- 5. 攀登 -- 6. 雨的联想 -- 7. 为国家生日举杯胜饮 -- 8. 我住的地方 -- 9. 新加坡河! 母亲的河.
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

月下独酌 = A lone drinker

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

雨的联想 = Fancies of rainy day

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

金胡姬 = Goldeno orchid

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

为国家生日举杯饮胜 = Toast to National day

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

攀登 = Ascent

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

阿李与阿利 = Ah Lee and Ali

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

新加坡河 = Singapore river

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

我住的地方 = My home is here

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing

新加坡河!母亲的河 = Singapore river! The ,other river

狮城之声传北京 = Voices of Lion City in Beijing