Resonances of Asia


Information About

Digitised from the original CD - Resonances of Asia. This album contains 13 instrumental music, composed by Robert Casteels excludes track 1 is composed by Oothukkadu Vegadasubbaiar ; track 4 is composed by Wu Junsheng; track 6 is composed by Lucio San Pedro ; track 7 is composed by Xuén Khéi and track 11 is composed by Khéc Chi.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
CIC Asia Pacific
Digital Publisher(s)
National Library Board Singapore
Casteels, Robert Vegadasubbaiar, Oothukkadu Wu Junsheng Pedro, Lucio San Xuén Khéi Khéc Chi
Bands (Music)--Singapore, Instrumental music--Singapore, Symphonies--Singapore
40)-- 2. Baris (4:02) -- 3. Phama Klong Yao and Thoet Thoeng (5:28) -- 4. The festival of the Torch Festival (3:58) -- 5. Triphony (9:18) -- 6. Ugoy ng duyan 'Lulling cradle' (3:55) -- 7. Buoi sang song huong 'Morning over the perfume river' (5) -- 8. Ricik Ricik (5:48) -- 9. Sakura Sakura Hensookyoku 'Cherry Blossom Variations (6:58) -- 10. A mirror of sound (8:50) -- 11. Que me 'home' (3:23) -- 12. Madhura manohara (6:54) -- 13. Tintinabulum, CICS Asian variations (7:08).
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

Sakura Sakura hensookyoku

Resonances of Asia

Madhura manohara

Resonances of Asia

Buoi sang song huong

Resonances of Asia

Ricik Ricik

Resonances of Asia

A mirror of sound

Resonances of Asia


Resonances of Asia


Resonances of Asia

Ugoy ng duyan

Resonances of Asia