觉醒 : 唐志伟肯定专辑


Information About

Digitised from the original CD. Song lyrics available. Selected tracks from this album have been digitised. 录音 : Derran (新加坡), 许财翁 (台北). 录音室 : Sonic Studio (新加坡), 雅弦 (台北).

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
Dreamland Production (S)
Digital Publisher(s)
Songs, Chinese--Singapore, Popular music--Singapore--1991-2000
1. 觉醒 -- 2. 肯定 -- 3. 如果没有爱情 -- 4. 留言飞呀飞 -- 5. 珍惜 -- 6. 多情 -- 7. 仔细 -- 8. 我 -- 9. 包袱 -- 10. 心伤 -- 11. 觉醒 (Unplugged) -- 12. 觉醒 (卡啦版) -- 13. 肯定 (卡啦版).
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners