Information About

Released in 2003, "Soar like an eagle" is an album featuring 12 English Christian songs. Words and music by David Yeo and Yuen Peng (tracks 8 and 11). Includes lyrics.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
The Potter's House Music Production
Digital Publisher(s)
National Library Board Singapore
The Potter's House Ministries (Musical group)
Yeo, David Yuen Peng
Songs, English, Contemporary Christian music
1. Rise up -- 2. I believe -- 3. You are the majesty -- 4. I will soar like an eagle -- 5. I lift my hands to you -- 6. Holy is the Lord -- 7. Breakforth -- 8. You are my Lord -- 9. I want to know you more -- 10. Jesus I love you Lord -- 11. Lord I will arise -- 12. Here beside me.
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

You are my Lord

Soar like an eagle

Lord I will arise

Soar like an eagle

I believe

Soar like an eagle


Soar like an eagle

Jesus I love you Lord

Soar like an eagle

I want to know You more

Soar like an eagle

Holy is the Lord

Soar like an eagle

I lift my hands to You

Soar like an eagle

I will soar like an eagle

Soar like an eagle

Rise up

Soar like an eagle