Information About

Digitised from the original CD. Selected tracks from this album have been digitised. This album is a compilation of punk rock music performed by various bands. All tracks recorded at TNT Music Studio. Except 'Chaos' and ‘因为’recorded at Muse Studio. Mastered in TNT Studio.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
Mohegan Records
Digital Publisher(s)
Suburban Dammit (Musical group) Objection Overule (Musical group) Generation 69 (Musical group) Gorbachev (Musical group) AcidNine (Musical group) Performer:Opposition Party (Musical group) Performer:Kate of Kale (Musical group) Bloody Rejects (Musical group) Performer:TypeWriter (Musical group) Performer:Plainsunset (Musical group)
Rock music--Singapore--2001-2010, Songs, English--Singapore, Punk rock music--Singapore
1. It's not your fault / AcidNine -- 2. Addicted / AcidNine -- 3. Facing above / Gorbachev -- 4. Sunny day / Gorbachev -- 5. Rock n roll star / Suburban Dammit -- 6. I've got Angela in my arms tonight / Suburban Dammit -- 7. Mocha / Objection Overule -- 8. Imagination / Objection Overule -- 9. Blind justice / Generation 69 -- 10. Strength thru strength / Generation 69 -- 11. Sour / Typewritter -- 12. Beautiful knows / Typewriter -- 13. Chaos / Opposition Party -- 14. 因为 / Opposition Party -- 15. The price they pay / Kate of Kate -- 16. Put your guns down / Kate of Kate -- 17. Refused / Bloody Rejects -- 18. Roving / Bloody Rejects -- 19. Speed limits / Plain Sunset -- 20. Girl on Queen’s Street / Plain Sunset.
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners