Information About

Digitised from the original CD. It contains messages from Kit Chan, Najip Ali, Jai, Joe Pang, Shayn Phua, Anna Belle Francis, Sheikh Haikel and Tanya Chua. Song lyrics available.

Year Released
Original Publisher(s)
National Youth Council (Singapore),Yellow Music
Digital Publisher(s)
Cai, Jianya, 1975- Feng, Xuefeng Phua, Shayn Performer:Jai Wahab Francis, Anna Belle Sheikh Haikel, 1975- Seet, Rosemary Najip Ali, 1965- Chan, Kit, 1972-
Songs, English--Singapore, Popular music--Singapore--1991-2000
1. Someone someday / Tanya Chua -- 2. Shine / Joe Pang & Shayn Phua -- 3. Losing ground / Jai -- 4. A star / Anna Belle Francis -- 5. Believe / Sheikh Haikel -- 6. Doors / Rosemary Seet -- 7. Stand by your heart / Jai -- 8. My friend / Tanya Chua -- 9. Never say die / Najib Ali -- 10. Somewhere / Kit Chan.
Rights Statement
All rights reserved by the respective intellectual property rights owners

Songs in the Album

Stand by your heart

Ready for the world


Ready for the world


Ready for the world


Ready for the world

My friend

Ready for the world


Ready for the world

Someone someday

Ready for the world